:: Zealot World Debut in Hollywood! |
On July 27th Ronzilla was guest to legendary west coast
radio personality Kevin Allison as he appeared on “The
Ground Floor Rock Show” in Hollywood. Upon his arrival
at KFSG’s spacious Sunset Blvd. studios, Zilla was glad
to find out he hadn’t missed the show (being nearly
an hour late stuck in traffic) and still had about 10 minutes
to catch up with long time friend Kevin before going live
worldwide! If you caught this 2 hour broadcast (via the airwaves
or internet) you were not only treated to the entire title
track “Zealots in the Land of Nod” but you also
got to hear quite possibly what will be the first Monsterus
single “Supernatural”. Below you can download
an edited half hour MP3 of the interviews highlights...sorry
tunes excluded. At the conclusion of the interview Zilla stopped
by the home of close friend, Monsterus photographer, and Hollywood
Animator...the ever-talented Cosmo! Zilla wrapped up the day
in The Ground Floor Rock Show style “Thank God for friends
and rock n’ roll!”