:: Zealots in the Land of Metropolis |
In mid-February, Monsterus was contacted by Pete King, the
Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of Quest
Comics in New York about appearing in an upcoming issue
of their “Chronicles” or “Soldier of God”
comic series. Needless to say, this was one of the few times
Monsterus was speechless. “We we’re blown away
and very honored to be asked to participate in such an exciting
opportunity,” Ron explains, “Quest’s commitment
and reputation for creating pro-caliber comic books/witnessing
tools for kids couldn’t be more inline with our approach
and purpose to our monstrous music. Once we started talking,
Pete asked if we had a topic we wanted to address or something
the Lord had laid upon our hearts that we wanted to express
through the comic. After revealing our entire concept behind
the album “Zealots in the Land of Nod” Quest realized
we had a storyline to support not just a comic, but an entire
full color graphic novel. Since those original discussions
what has developed is that the initial story will be released
in the form of a 64-72 page full color graphic novel then
followed up with a full blown ongoing, supporting comic series
based on the album. There is also talk that a select number
of the initial release of “Zealots in the Land of Nod”
the album will be packaged with this special graphic novel.
Below you can read the latest press release Quest has written
up on the project...as well as you’ll be able to see
the initial approval drawings of Monsterus as well as the
main character… ‘Anak’, who is The Zealot
in the Land of Nod! You’ll also be able to take a glimpse
at some previous “Soldier of God” covers and artwork
with one featuring Robert Sweet of Stryper making a cameo.
here to read article with Pete at stryper.com.
Monsterus. Just the name is intriguing enough where you've
got to sit up and take notice. But once you hear the music
you'll want to stand, wave your fist in the air and thank
the Lord that these guys are rocking for God! I first heard
about Monsterus from a blurb placed on another bands e-list.
It simply said a bit about the music and gave the web-site
address. Of course...I had to check it out! With a name like
Monsterus... I went to the site and was pleasantly surprised.
Monsterus was a spirit-filled, on fire for the Lord industrial
metal band! I looked around, listened to the music and was
immediately enthralled with the sounds that were emitting
from my computer. Because of the impact I knew that these
3 gents would have on the Christian music market I had to
contact them to see if they'd be interested in taking part
in the Chronicles title. Little did I know the road I just
started walking on would open up into a wondrous world of
an intense collaboration between minds...between believers
in Christ to produce a Graphic Novel based on the album Zealots
In The Land of Nod. While I can tell you little about this
project, I will tell you this...it will keep you on your toes...on
the edge of your seat...and make you reevaluate your walk
with the Lord!
In Him,
Pete King
