We’ve received numerous emails from all you little
monsters out there asking the number one question around the
Monsterus office these days...When is the album coming out?
Well, soon and very soon is our answer! Here’s where
we’ve been...In December we were informed that “Zealots
in the Land of Nod” was slated for a May 1st release
date “on the streets” nationwide...then worldwide
would follow. However, in order to release any album through
a record company that particular artist is typically scheduled
for a release in one of 4 industry driven “release cycles”
throughout the given year (Some record companies have more
and some have less). Once an artist has a release date scheduled
(which in our case was May 1st) you back up from that date
approximately 3-4 months to begin the “media blitz”...teaser
ads, press releases to magazines, advance radio promotion,
etc. That would have begun around this past February...you
know...right around the time Mars broke his arm...you see
where this is going? With Mars in a cast for several months
with a serious injury...we couldn’t accurately plan
for May 1st to be the release especially when he wouldn’t
have touched a guitar for several months let alone rehearse
with the band at the point of the albums release. Here’s
where we’re at...Mars got his cast off on March 11 and
since that day we’ve been in hard rehearsals preparing
to support this Monsterus release to the world!!! What’s
been awesome is that in these rehearsals new songs have been
developing at a rate we’ve never seen since the bands
conception...Thank God! Keep us in prayer...cause although
it sounds like Mars injury was the hold up...it really wasn’t.
We used this time as a perfect opportunity to step back and
look at the whole Monsterus picture and direction the album
was heading. This also created an opportunity for many other
“Big League” industry people to enter the Monsterus
picture and for us to look at the existing players who were
already involved. “God took the situation that the devil
meant for evil with Mars’ arm and turned it around for
all our good,” Ron explains, “We’ve learned
that this album is not just awesome, but also very anointed.
‘Zealots’ is an album most bands wait a lifetime
for...and God wants to see that it is released in a fashion
that is different from every other album release.” So
what record label is “Zealots” going to be released
through you ask...you’ll have to wait and see. We Love
You & God Bless!!!