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News :: Toto, We’re Not in Kansas...We’re in Nashville!

On Friday, July 18, 2003 Monsterus was on hand in Nashville for the Zealots in the Land of Nod premier at the NAMM International Music & Sound Expo. As usual, the guys ran into numerous long-time friends as well as made some new ones. One of the highlights was when Monsterus got a chance to hang-out and swap cd’s with fellow Christian and legendary singer/songwriter/musician Kerry Livgren (Kansas, A.D.)...only to later run into Kerry’s former bandmate and legendary guitarist Steve Morse (Kansas, Deep Purple, Steve Morse Band, and the Dixie Dregs) while hanging outside with the talented Ron Keel (IronHorse, Keel, and Fair Game.) Monsterus got to share with Kerry the vision for their new independent record company, B2 Entertainment and were encouraged when he shared his similar frustrations with the music industry that led to the formation of his company, Numavox Records in 1994. Monsterus also enjoyed their time hanging out with new pal Ron Keel (see Ron holding up his personal copy of Zealots in the pic below), who’s newest band IronHorse is made up of musicians based in Columbus, Ohio.



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