In early August, Ron flew to the Black Hills of South Dakota
to catch up with pal Jesse James at the 62nd Annual Sturgis
Motorcycle Rally...you know the world’s largest biker
party! Ron spent his first day checking out Mt. Rushmore which
in Ron’s opinion blows every monument away he’s
seen “It’s awesome...a must see!” He then
headed down to Main street where he caught up with Jesse and
hung out in the Camel Roadhouse. Ron was most impressed with
the evangelism that goes on at Sturgis “CMA
(Christian Motorcyclists
Association) hosts a free pancake breakfast every morning
of this 10 day event over at the Buffalo Chip Campground (owned
by the Hell’s Angels) to anyone and everyone who wishes
to come. Most of these guys are former hardcore bikers themselves,
and believe me they have everyone’s respect! Very strong
and bold guys...I was in a Pizza Hut one day when I looked
over and saw a bunch of rough guys getting excited...before
you knew it they were having a very vocal Bible study right
in the middle of the packed Pizza Hut...Cool!” In the
next couple of days Ron would have the opportunity to meet
the ultimate daredevil...Evel Knievel! “You know what
I found out? Knievel’s not so evil” Ron explains,
“He was very cordial and congenial.” Ron would
spend his last night checking out friend Rikki Rockett’s
band Poison in concert over at the Buffalo Chip...then later
enjoyed a Coca-Cola at the legendary Full Throttle Saloon
(World’s Largest Biker Bar)...talk about a place for
evangelism. “Sturgis is a once-in-a lifetime experience...one
that I plan to experience again when Monsterus plays there!