:: Bone-Breaking Monsterus News! |
On Feb. 4th, Monsterus would face a very unexpected slight
setback when Frontman/Guitarist Mars Alan would severely break
his arm mid-workout. “I broke my arm while weightlifting...I
had been having really bad pain in my left shoulder since
October that I thought was just muscle strain in my 'rotator
cuff' but which turned out to be a small stress fracture that
finally snapped my upper arm in half that Monday. It was pretty
gross, let me tell you..it was like a piece of wet spaghetti.
I've had many little bumps and scrapes over the years from
weightlifting and usually when I continued to exercise the
area moderately I would get better...but I must have lifted
something in a weird way sometime around the end of last summer
to cause a small fracture and not noticed. Like I said, I
had severe pain at times but I thought it was muscular, so
I wasn't too concerned about it; if I had known it was bone
related I would have stopped and let it heal, but you live
and learn. The good news is that by the grace of God it's
healed very quickly and I’m out of this cast and back
in rehearsals. I went to see my doctor on the 13th and he
was very happy with how the bone was lining up and said it
will be even stronger than it was before. Even now I feel
better than I did at Christmastime; when it was just a crack
and ached constantly. Now with the events of that week and
Jesus' hand on me, my arm is more comfortable than it was
before...so I would appreciate your prayers for God's continued
speedy healing. Everyone at our church has been helping me
with food and everything, so overall this really hasn't been
that big of an ordeal. Anyway, I wanted to write this in a
letter so I could assure you that I'm doing great and that
The Lord has been extra close to me through all of this...
I know without a doubt He will take what satan meant for evil
and turn it into something good! God bless!”
