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News :: Zealots in the World Wide Web

"Batteries to power, turbines to speed!" Monsterus is pleased to welcome you to their brand new official web site and virtual presence! Although it has taken some time to get this aspect of the Monsterus machine back in full operation you'll find that the band has been more alive and kicking than ever before! A New Album! New Look! New Sound! New Site...and much, much more! Monsterus is most appreciative and pleased to welcome to the family their new webmaster and creator of, Craig Erskine of Solar Dream Studios.

Craig is host and designer for and creator of Solar Dream Theater, a Dream Theater tribute site. Ron and founder Brett Christensen have been very close friends for almost 10 years and after visiting Ron's home in the summer, and seeing/hearing the new Monsterus direction thought it might be a good fit to hook Monsterus and Solar Dream Studios together. "Craig, is the man!!! Monsterus spent quite sometime seeking someone who was capable of creating their web presence at the level we expect. We'd rather do it right than throw something up that's lack luster or a navigation nightmare.

Craig is not only a great designer but a music fan as well, which is very important when developing this type of site. He understands form and function and the importance of quick load time and ease of navigation through the site. He knows all the statistics for viewing time and what drives viewers from a site. Taking all this into consideration he has developed a very creative and well designed, quick loading site that visitors can quickly get to what they're seeking. Thanks Craig for such a great job!!!"

ron and brettRonzilla and Brett's relationship began as extreme Stryper fans and you can see the degree of fan that they are with the Stryper Special Feature on one of Ron's most treasured collectibles. This particular collectible was actually used on the new Monsterus album "Zealots in the Land of Nod" and appears on the song "Digital Disciple." So when you get the album, listen for it and see if you can pick it out.

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