:: The Monsterus Crüe |
Getting in two nights early before the kickoff of the Lowrider
Experience 2003 Tour, Ron stopped by Island/Def Jam Music
Group then caught up later that evening with Nikki Sixx (Mötley
Crüe) and wife Donna D'Errico at the Tenmasa Sushi Bar
on the Sunset Strip. “It was cool, I’ve always
wanted to tell Nikki the entire story on something he said
way back when (‘88/’89) that originally sparked
the idea for what would become MONSTERUS! It was in an exclusive
interview he did (I think with Hit Parader) back before Feelgood
came out. The interview basically was talking about how the
Crüe was fresh out of rehab...clean and sober...and
writing an amazing new album. He went on to say something
that I wouldn’t see repeated again in the press...he
mentioned that they were thinking of calling the new album
Monstrous. When I read that, I thought that was just the
coolest album title I had heard...I was even more excited
when the album came out and was titled Dr. Feelgood. I shelved
the name for a few more years until around ‘95 when
this project began to come together. We were just sitting
around tossing out possible band names one night,” Ron
recalls, “And I was asked what I wanted the world to
think of when they heard our bands name...I simply said something
that would sound ‘bigger than life’...because
God is bigger than life! Somebody threw out Humongous and
we all laughed...but it was just enough to cause a flashback
and I remembered...Monstrous. Everybody said yeah, but we’ll
change the spelling to MONSTER-US. One of the first things
we did,” Ron says, “Was to check out the definition.
Monsterus derives in part from the word monstrance which
means, believe it or not, ‘A vessel used by the consecrated
Host for the adoration of the faithful.’ Needless to
say it was a no-brainer...it stuck! Nikki obviously got the
Cliffs Notes version but was blown away...he remembered the
interview and thought it was cool that somebody else did
get to use the idea.” After their meeting, Ron headed
across the street to Tower
Records where the worldwide release of Metallica’s
new album ‘St. Anger’ had just been launched.
A few days later on the trip, Ron would also stop by the
Crüe’s rehearsal complex at S.I.R. Rehearsal studios...Way